Magyar Tudomány The journal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Established: 1840

2001. APRIL


Tamás Szentes:

The adaption to the world economy

Globalization in economic sense implies the development of the world economy into an organic system with both extending and deepening asymmetrical interdependencies. This process has accelerated recently, thanks to the relinking of the former "socialist" countries in the world economy, to "revolutions" in information and communication technologies, to the activity of transnational companies, etc. The great question of the future is how globalization, regionalization and national development will interact. The position of countries in the globalizing world economy will depend more than ever on the development of human capital and R & D capacities.

Traditions in the Hungarian Philosophy

The next studies are the texts of three lectures that were delivered in the Academy on November 13, 2000 at a session entitled "The philosophical culture in the Hungarian society: Philosophy in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences". The session was organized by the Philosophy and History Section of the Academy. László Perecz's paper, closely related to the subject of the meeting, briefly outlines the role played by the philosophy in the history of the Academy. Gábor Palló's study gives an overview on the most outstanding results achieved by Hungarians in the field of the philosophy of science. The essay of Ferenc L. Lendvai discusses the results of some Hungarian philosophers of culture in a political framework.

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